February 10, 2025

Velda Wimer

Soothing Hotel Stay

How To Live Like A European


If you’ve ever been to Europe, you know that it’s a magical place. There is something about strolling down a cobblestone street in London, sitting at a table outside of an Italian restaurant, or watching the sunset over the Rhine River that makes your heart swell with joy. But there are also things about Europe that we don’t often think about here in America: how people live their everyday lives, what they do when they get up in the morning and how they spend their weekends. And while we may not be able to replicate everything Europeans do when they’re not traveling around visiting other countries (we can’t all speak five languages), there are many ways we can incorporate some European attitudes into our own lives and make them more enjoyable as well as fulfilling.

Eat bread and cheese for breakfast

The first thing you will notice when you arrive in Europe is that bread and cheese are staples of the diet. The French eat their baguettes with a wedge of cheese or ham, while Italians enjoy pizza with mozzarella and prosciutto.

You will also find that it’s perfectly acceptable to eat bread and cheese for breakfast, lunch or dinner – or all three! If you want something sweet for dessert? You guessed it: more cheese!

Drink coffee at every opportunity

Coffee is a way of life in Europe. It’s not just something you drink; it’s an integral part of the culture, and it can be enjoyed at any time of day.

In many European countries, coffee is considered a breakfast food–and not just because they often eat it with pastries. In fact, some people don’t even like to drink their coffee black! They’ll add milk or cream to make sure they get enough calcium during the day (and so that their bones stay strong).

On top of all this goodness about starting your day with a cup o’ joe? Coffee shops are also great places for people watching. You never know who might walk through those doors next…

Have an open-air market in the city center

Open-air markets are a great way to experience the local culture and get fresh produce. They’re also a great place to meet people, who will likely be more than willing to share their favorite vacation spots in Europe with you.

If you want to live like a European, then it’s time for an open-air market!

Eat fish and chips by the sea

Fish and chips is a British staple that can be enjoyed at any time of day. The dish is usually served with salt and vinegar, which you can get from any fish and chip shop or pub. You can also make it at home!

Spend your summer days in a beer garden

If you live in a city, chances are there’s at least one beer garden nearby. And if not, they’re easy enough to find if you look hard enough. Beer gardens are great places to spend summer days with friends and family–they’re casual, but still have plenty of options for food and drink. They’re also big enough to accommodate large groups of people comfortably; so if you want to meet up with some friends after work or bring your parents out for dinner on their next visit from out of town, beer gardens can help make that happen!

Go to church on Sunday morning

If you live in Europe, chances are good that your town will have a church. Chances are even better that it’s located right in the center of town and is a beautiful building with stained glass windows and soaring ceilings. The best part? Churches are almost always free to enter!

So why do Europeans go to church on Sunday morning? Some people go because they believe in God or Jesus Christ–they might even be religious (not all Europeans are atheists). But many others have no interest in religion whatsoever; they just want to take advantage of what their local churches have to offer: music concerts, theater performances, art exhibitions…you name it!

There are many ways to live like a European

Europe is a big place, and each country has its own culture. While the U.S. is known for being more individualistic and independent-minded, Europeans tend to be more laid back when it comes to personal choices like how you live your life. They’re also more open-minded than Americans when it comes to new experiences like traveling or trying new foods–and they accept people who may be living different lifestyles than themselves without judgment or criticism.

In addition, many European countries are environmentally conscious (it’s common practice in many places not to use plastic bags at grocery stores). Europeans also value health over wealth: most nations have national healthcare systems that provide free or subsidized medical care for all citizens regardless of their income level or employment status; moreover some countries have universal paid maternity leave policies that allow mothers three months off after having children so they can rest both mentally and physically before returning back into the workforce full time!


There are many ways to live like a European, and we’ve only scratched the surface here. If you’re looking for more inspiration, check out our list of European countries and their traditions!